'Cities, Museums and Soft Power' book Launch review
On the 8th of October 2015 the Knowledge Quarter launched the book ‘Cities, Museums and Soft Power’ at the British Library. The event proved to be very successful arousing strong interest among knowledge Quarter partners and other cultural organisations.

Shape the Future
Shape the Future is the collaborative project to develop the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals’ (CILIP) Strategic Plan for 2016-2020. The project consists of an open consultation that runs between the 25th September and the 16th December 2015.

Full programme announced: Curious? powered by the Knowledge Quarter
The full programme of activities has now been announced! Please click here for more information.

Angelo Napolano appointed Knowledge Quarter Support Officer
The KQ Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Angelo Napolano as the Knowledge Quarter Project Support Officer. Angelo joins from Southbank Centre, where he worked as Event Assistant in the Arts Programming department.

Get involved! Help us to measure air pollution in London
To celebrate the International Year of Light, the Institute of Physics invites all Knowledge Quarter partners to join iSpex project in order to create a new map of the atmosphere and find out how clean the air is in London.

KQ Partner Collaboration: The Place and Wellcome Collection
Over the summer KQ partner The Place has been supporting 30 dance artists to research and develop performance ideas, and explore new artistic territory as part of Choreodrome, a biennial summer research programme for British-based dance makers.

University and art collaborations ‘the new normal’
On 14th July the Knowledge Quarter presented at a conference celebrating the results of the synergies between universities, cultural institutions and the creative arts.

Welcome New Knowledge Quarter Partners
We are delighted to announce six new partners have joined the Knowledge Quarter, Bertha DocHouse, Briffa, Conway Hall, Gasholder, London Metropolitan Archives and Scriberia.