The British Library wants to hear from you
The Research Services Department of the British Library would like to hear from you, members of the Knowledge Quarter, to help them shape and influence future services. The Library is particularly interested to know what types of products and services you find useful and which existing services you want developed, such as Open Access content, Datasets, Repository applications and training. They welcome your thoughts and ideas on these as well as on other areas that are important to you.
The library services staff offer a number of ways for you to participate. Email them with the following information:
Firstly, please highlight your preferred option of participation from the following four:
- I would like to visit Research Services at Euston Road on behalf of my organisation
- I would prefer Research Services to visit my organisation
- I currently use the reading rooms and would like to meet onsite at Euston Road
- Please email the questions to me
Now please fill in the following where applicable
My name is:
My Organisation is:
Convenient days/dates for me are (any particular weekday or specific dates):
Convenient times of the day: (e.g. morning/afternoon/specific hour):
My contact details are:
Additional information: Please supply any further details such as any help, assistance or adjustments in enabling you to participate.
Thank You
(Please note: this observational work will be anonymous, and your identity and contact details will not feature in any findings or reports, nor will they be passed on to anyone else)