Knowledge Quarter Festival Engagement Showcase
When: 18.00 – 20.30, Thursday 20 April 2017
Where: The Royal Veterinary College, 4 Royal College Street, London NW1 0TU
The Knowledge Quarter would like to invite you to a unique festival networking event, where you can begin to make connections with a whole host of organisations across Camden and Islington.
The aim of this event is to introduce festival organisers and community engagement specialists from Knowledge Quarter partners, at a relaxed and informal evening at the Royal Veterinary College.
Launched two years ago, the Knowledge Quarter (KQ) is a partnership of 80 academic, cultural, research, scientific and media organisations located in a one-mile radius around King’s Cross, Euston Road and Bloomsbury. Collectively, the geographic area of the Knowledge Quarter contains possibly the greatest knowledge cluster anywhere in the world.
The KQ’s partners range from internationally significant research institutes to emerging organisations in the creative industries. Partners include the British Museum, the University of the Arts London, Google, the Digital Catapult, Wellcome Trust, The Guardian and the British Library. The partners might be vastly different, but all share one common purpose: the creation and dissemination of knowledge.
The Knowledge Quarter has a keen interest in engaging with its direct communities and has developed a Community Engagement Group to focus on this important area. The group is made up of a specialist network of staff from the KQ partner organisations whose focus is working on collaborative and independent community projects.
Festival Organisers: We would like to invite festival organisers to share information and examples of your festival highlights, and to help with this we will give each organisation a table and poster stand to fill however you choose! The Knowledge Quarter will provide an £100 budget to each participating festival organisation, please bring your invoices along to the event and a cheque will be issued on the night.
Knowledge Quarter partners: We would like Knowledge Quarter partners to consider what skills and activities they can offer to our local festivals, and bring along a clear idea of how best to engage. We will have a space for notices to be placed which festival organisers to view, ensuring that no conversation or opportunity is missed.
General notice: Whilst some of the organisations might be responsible for grant funding in different departments, this event is focussing on activities and skills that Knowledge Quarter partners can offer. We do however, recognise that fundraising is a key issue, and we would like to offer people who attend the April event the chance to attend a free fundraising capacity building workshop in autumn.
This is a free event however places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Registration: Please go to our Eventbrite page to book your place.