In case you missed it: KQ Virtual Private Views 2021
Virtual events are here to stay. Here is a round up of some of the brilliant Virtual Private Views we have hosted with KQ Partners over 2021, in case you missed them.
January: Arctic Culture and Climate was presented by The British Museum.
March: Always Walking Alongside with Age UK Camden.
April: COVID and Me Monologues, in collaboration with the Theatre of Debate.
May: The Silk Road, A Living History with the Aga Khan Foundation UK.
In July we held our annual conference: The Future of Knowledge 2021: Building Back Together.
August: Quentin Blake’s Gifted, in partnership with the Foundling Museum.
September: Exploring 150 items from Senate House Library, for their 150th anniversary!
September: Joy and Tranquillity, with the Wellcome Collection.