Close the deal: The art and science of successful negotiation
When: 15-19 May 2017 and 5-9 June 2017
Where: Stanley Building, 7 Pancras Square, London N1C 4AG
Cost: £4250. 20% off for Knowledge Quarter partners
Negotiations are ubiquitous. As individuals we negotiate on a daily basis whether we are making decisions with friends and family or sealing a professional deal at work. Negotiations can range from the seemingly trivial to the very serious.
In business, negotiations occur at every level; between employers and employees, within and between firms, between firms and government bodies, across sectors and industries and between domestic organisations and foreign ones. And so on. Negotiations take place on matters of policy and finance – indeed negotiations can – and do – occur on anything and everything where more than one party – or “player” – is involved.
Is this course aimed at you?
Everyone is involved in some type of negotiation on a daily basis, and so this course will be beneficial to a wide range of people from different organisations and backgrounds.
It may be of special relevance to senior managers and c-suite colleagues as well as to lawyers and individuals who are involved with commercial litigation, dispute resolution and mergers.
Colleagues who work in sales, purchasing and/or procurement will also find this course useful, as will consultants who work client-side and officials who are involved in BREXIT and other policy-related negotiations.
No prior knowledge of game theory or economics is required and everything will be taught in plain English. Where technical concepts and tools are introduced, this will be done cognisant of the fact that it is a non-specialist audience and will be delivered by people who have experience of doing exactly this.
Not only that; this course is led by top Warwick University staff from a leading Department of Economics, ranked in the top 3 in all major UK league tables; and the course will also have sessions delivered by some world class practitioners.
For more information and to book yourself a place then please go to the University of Warwick website.