Call to KQ partners to host cultural visit

Working with Greater Manchester Higher, AccessHE a division of Knowledge Quarter partner London Higher will deliver a London residential summer school for 12 students from schools/colleges participating in the National Collaborative Outreach Programme in the Greater Manchester area. As part of this, we would like to expose the students to some of London’s rich cultural and educational organisations including KQ partner organisations.

Knowledge Quarter welcomes two new partners

The Knowledge Quarter welcomes a further two organisations as partners, bringing together over 85 cultural, research, scientific, business and academic institutions both large and small under one umbrella. The Knowledge Quarter is delighted to welcome Jewish Museum London and Global Generation.

Islington's Employment Service Offer

As part of the Islington Council Employment offer, The Islington iWork Team are offering a service to local employers that supports them to recruit and retain local talent through brokering opportunities which are then offered to local residents.

Historic Church Tours 2018: 9 May – 23 November 2018

The Churches Conservation Trust are delighted to share their 2018 programme of Historic Church Tours. This year they are offering 12 one-day and overnight tours which invite you to discover their incredible collection of historic churches and the extraordinary places, people and stories that can be found within them.

Join the British Library Advisory Council

The British Library Advisory Council exists to provide advice and guidance to the British Library’s leadership team on the development and operation of the Library’s services and relations with libraries, at home and overseas. We wish to add four more members to the Council, and are interested in hearing from people with an interest in the British Library and an eagerness to contribute insights from their own expertise in relevant fields.

Collaborate on the new Latesfest Festival!

In 2019 Culture24 will replace Museums at Night with a new museum/gallery after-hours events festival for London, Latesfest! This new festival is currently being developed in collaboration with London’s museums, galleries, libraries and historic houses, in fact all cultural venues that don’t normally open after 5pm. We are organising the festival into circuits based on location to make it easier for customers to navigate round and to facilitate collaborative working.

Make the most of apprenticeships

With qualifications now available up to degree level, and open to people of all ages, it’s a great time to consider how apprenticeships can support your organisation. Camden Apprenticeships offer a free employer service to help organisations employ the best talent.

Kacie Shoulders appointed Knowledge Quarter Operations and Marketing Intern

The Knowledge Quarter is pleased to announce the appointment of Kacie Shoulders as the Knowledge Quarter Operations and Marketing Intern. Kacie joins the Knowledge Quarter from The Royal Veterinary College where she is in her second year studying Biological Sciences. She will be with the knowledge quarter for the next six months, two days a week, alongside her studies.

Being Human festival 2018 – call for applications 

Led by the School of Advanced Study, University of London in partnership with the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the British Academy, Being Human Is the UK’s only national festival of the humanities, and is one of the largest national platforms for public engagement with humanities research. Check out the Call for Applications to see how you can get involved.

Send Love to Sunderland

The Churches Conservation Trust has launched an urgent crowdfunding campaign to save an important piece of Sunderland’s heritage. The charity needs to raise £20,000 by the end of March to unlock a further £2.8m of additional backing from the Heritage Lottery Fund.