Knowledge Quarter Festival of Knowledge EOI
We are delighted to announce that we will be joining forces with British Land (Regents Place) and KQ partner Produce UK to produce our third Festival of Knowledge on Friday 5th and Saturday 6th October 2018 at Regent’s Place.
The festival builds on two years of excitement and success at Kings Cross, with Curious? Festival – Powered by the Knowledge Quarter in 2015 and 2016. We have been looking at an opportunity to continue the legacy and are delighted that Regent’s Place have partnered with us for this new festival edition which will allow community engagement, public activity and a showcase for KQ partners. The new festival launches as a pilot with potential to continue in 2019 and onwards.
All Knowledge Quarter partners are invited to submit proposals for any of the festival programmes. Please complete this document with as much detail as possible and return to Jodie Eastwood by Friday 3rd August 2018.