Modern Poetry in Translation – Ted Hughes
Knowledge Quarter partner, Poet in the City, presents an event in celebration of Ted Hughes, marking the 50th anniversary of Modern Poetry in Translation, and exploring his remarkable legacy.
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud KQ contributed a whooping 567 entries.
Knowledge Quarter partner, Poet in the City, presents an event in celebration of Ted Hughes, marking the 50th anniversary of Modern Poetry in Translation, and exploring his remarkable legacy.
The Knowledge Quarter (KQ) and The University of the Arts London (UAL) are working in partnership to host an event that will provide rare insights into the ways in which knowledge based institutions and businesses make knowledge available in the marketplace and to their wide range of customers and clients.
Scriberia’s recent series of animations for near neighbours, long-time collaborators and fellow KQ partners, The Guardian’s #KeepItInTheGround campaign is one example of the effective use of animation to deliver factual content to an online audience.
Join your fellow Knowledge Quarter members at the London Review Bookshop over a glass of wine and nibbles, and enjoy 10% off all books bought on the night, free gift wrapping, refreshments and an exclusive bag of goodies to brighten the dark winter evening.
On the 25th of October as part of the Bloomsbury festival, the Knowledge Quarter organised a series of talks on the theme of Positive Disruption at Conway Hall. The multidisciplinary reflected in the panels provoked an inspiring debate on what the effect of positive disruption can be in science, arts, technology and its impact on society.
The KQ is pleased to announce the appointment of Daniel Stevens as the KQ’s Advocacy and Communications Manager. Daniel joins from the British Council and will be providing on-going strategic advice and support on matters of advocacy and communications.
British Library Chief Librarian Caroline Brazier will join the Trustee Board of CILIP – the Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals – from the start of 2016. CILIP is the leading professional body for librarians across the UK and plays a key role in advocating on behalf of the profession and advancing professional skills and standards.
The KQ, in partnership with Camden Council, is developing a higher apprenticeship programme in science, technology and creative industries to allow apprentices to earn and learn on the job while studying part time. The scheme is starting with opportunities in the life sciences.
Kenneth Tharp advocates for careful planning in nurturing future talents in the Arts and culture. In the arts so much of the grassroots innovation from artists is supported through the investment of public funds. Many of the most celebrated leaders across art forms were nurtured in the subsidised sector over many years.
The Aga Khan University Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations presents an evening exploring Islamic gardens and parks as vehicles of social change.
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Jodie Eastwood on 020 7412 7116
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