Jewish Book Week at Kings Place
Date: 25 February until 5 March 2017
Venue: Kings Place, 90 York Way, Kings Cross, London N1 9AG
JBW 2017 goes global, crossing boundaries, breaking taboos… and pulling down barriers. Exodus and exile are the festival’s prevailing themes, as the world, more than ever, is on the move, while xenophobia remains ubiquitous. Hear a multitude of voices examining the world’s political, social and cultural fault lines.
Jewish Book Week (JBW) is an annual international cultural festival held at Kings Place. The festival features an extensive and varied programme, presenting writers and speakers from all over the world, from the most eminent to the first-time published. Thousands of people from all London communities and elsewhere are hosted annually.
Over 75 events are held over nine days, comprising stimulating talks and discussions on contemporary culture, challenging debates on controversial issues, original musical entertainment and drama. Events are held in association with many partners in the media, publishing and charity worlds. Festival participants also speak in several UK cities, as well as in London schools. Unique one-off events are presented outside the festival.
JBW is put on by the Jewish Book Council, a registered educational charity, which also administers associated prizes in translation and journalism.
More information and booking details can be found here.