Contributing to the Ageing Society Grand Challenge?

KQ Engagement / Policy Fellowship Project

The Government set out four Grand Challenges in its Industrial Strategy, one of which is the Ageing Society Grand Challenge. Government is investing over £300 million from its Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF), to bring together the UK’s world-class research expertise with business investment to develop technologies and industries that can help the UK prepare for the challenge of an ageing society.

The Government’s £300 million investment includes £98 million for a ‘healthy ageing programme’ and £210 million for a ‘data to early diagnosis and precision medicine programme’ to improve diagnosis of disease and develop new medical treatments and technologies. Additionally, the Government is investing £40 million into the UK Dementia Research Institute (UKDRI) to create a new hub, in partnership with University College London, and over £70 million is being invested in creating regional centres across the UK to offer UK patients better diagnosis using new technologies including Artificial Intelligence (AI).

A Strategic Policy Fellow, funded by Research England, is producing a briefing document that will highlight the Knowledge Quarter (KQ) partner organisations that are currently working on projects that aim to tackle the Ageing Society Grand Challenge and have received funding from the ISCF. The document also aims to highlight KQ partner organisations that have expertise and technologies that could be utilised to develop new products and services that support people living more healthy, active lives as they get older.

If you are a KQ partner organisation and you have received funding for a project that is working towards the mission of the Ageing Society Grand Challenge or your organisation has the capability to contribute to the mission of the Ageing Society Grand Challenge, please contact Alana Dowling at