Ideas and Pioneers Fund
Paul Hamlyn Foundation’s Ideas and Pioneers Fund supports people who have an idea with unusual promise to improve the life chances and opportunities of individuals and communities in the UK.

The Francis Crick Institute: Accelerating Translation
Knowledge Quarter partner, The Francis Crick Institute, identifies 'Accelerating Translation for Health and Wealth' as one of the five key priorities of the institute overall strategy ‘Discovery without Boundaries’. Practicing this ambition has opened new fascinating fields for both academic research and scientific translators.

2015 Growing Places Fund
The Growing Places Fund is used to support projects that are strategically important to London’s growth, where its impact can be recaptured, repaid after time, and reused to fund new projects in other parts of London. All bids should be submitted by 5pm on 21 October 2015.

Shape the Future
Shape the Future is the collaborative project to develop the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals’ (CILIP) Strategic Plan for 2016-2020. The project consists of an open consultation that runs between the 25th September and the 16th December 2015.

Pilot project on "Crowdfunding for the cultural and creative sectors: kick-starting the cultural economy"
The aim of the Pilot Project is to identify, analyse and publicise the best practice in Europe's crowdfunding market in relation to the cultural and creative sectors.

Poet in the City is recruiting
KQ partner, Poet In The City, is recruiting for a talented Programme Manager. This is a unique opportunity to lead on the delivery of their world-class programme and play an important role in putting live poetry back on the map as a major performing art form.

Call for contributions: Wellcome Image Awards 2016
The call for contributions for the Wellcome Image Awards 2016 is now open. The deadline is 9 September 2015, and all submitted images will be considered for the Awards, to be held in March 2016.

Creative Europe: Call for a study on audience development
Study on Audience Development – How to Place Audiences at the Centre of Cultural Organisations. The study aims to identify successful approaches to and methods for audience development for European cultural organisations.

Open Call: Creative Content Showcase
Knowledge Quarter partner the Digital Catapult Centre are putting out an open call for their next showcase for UK organisations who are in, or working with the creative industries.

Call for Research Papers on Diversity
Knowledge Quarter partners The Creative Industries Federation is looking for their members to act as case studies for a paper on diversity and access (primarily BAME, gender and socioeconomic), to be released this autumn.