To fetch out the fire: reviving London 1666 exhibition
Knowledge Quarter's partner, Royal College of Physicians, presents To fetch out the fire: reviving London 1666, a new exhibition which marks the 350th anniversary of the devastation of the nation’s capital, taking a doctor’s eye view of the terrible events of three and a half centuries ago.
Brain Waves exhibition
Knowledge Quarter’s partner, Central Saint Martins, University of Arts London, presents Brain Waves: the exhibition showcases the work of Central Sain Martins' leading design graduates, exploring a variety of design intelligences as they engage with uncertain futures.
Knowledge Quarter Private View: Hong Ling - a Retrospective
When: Wednesday, 14 September 2016 from 08:30 to 09:30 (BST)
Design Junction announces a brand new King’s Cross Creative Quarter
Designjunction (22 – 25 September) is proud to launch the inaugural King’s Cross Creative Quarter (KXCQ), in partnership with the London Design Festival, Knowledge Quarter and King’s Cross Development. This brand new initiative, which runs in conjunction with designjunction during the festival, will celebrate all that is creative and cultural in King’s Cross.
Knowledge Quarter Public Realm Charrette
Martin Sach, chair of the Knowledge Quarter Public Realm Environment and Sustainability Subgroup illustates the group tasks and on-going projects: the area-wide audit now reaching completion and the design charrette planned for September 2016. this would be an oportunty for KQ partner to share ideas, engaging with local authorities and seeking ways in which the Knowledge Quarter can be an enabler of progress.
Being The Story
Knowledge Quarter partner, The Conway Hall, in partnership with Sounddelivery presents Being The Story; one day event featuring the stories of ten inspirational individuals which will spark conversations, challenge perceptions and stimulate ideas.
Knowledge Quarter Private Views
The Knowledge Quarter is developing a series of private breakfast views for staff of Knowledge Quarter organisations; making the wealth of cultural resources within it accessible, providing opportunities to develop new networks and building deeper engagement with the KQ as a whole. We are looking for partner organisations to kindly suggest future possible exhibitions that would be suitable for a private view.
Curious? Festival of Futures - Review
The Curious? festival of Futures the best and biggest Knowledge festival in London took place at King's Cross Saturday 23 of July envisaging the future of King’s Cross and the Knowledge Quarter, through breakthrough research, tech and communities developments. King’s Cross was populated by a curious crowd made of adults, students and families who came to explore many activities, workshops and performances.
Curious? Festival of Futures Powered by the Knowledge Quarter
The Knowledge Quarter, in partnership with King’s Cross, announces details of the action-packed programme for Curious? London’s biggest and best festival of knowledge. On Saturday 23 of July, Curious? a fusion of science, culture and art will allow visitors to experience mind-bending talks, experiments and creative collaborations, from Knowledge Quarter partners. Click here for more information.
Knowledge Quarter partners are invited to SOM DO SENTIDO a night of upfront Brazilian music programmed by cutting-edge Brazilian label Mais Um Disco at Camden Market as part of Camden Sentido; a celebration of the links between Camden and Brazil including its street culture, passion for music and food, and the textiles of both places.