Knowledge Quarter Cross Sector Collaboration Workshop

At Knowledge Quarter we are naturally interested in collaboration – inter organizational, cross discipline, multilevel collaboration that enables us to achieve the extraordinary goals we have set ourselves. We have planned this workshop to start exploring the ways we collaborate, to learn from each other’s practice and to begin a more concerted process of investigation, learning and development in this area.

Start and grow your business in a week at the British Library

Next week is Global Entrepreneurship Week and the British Library’s Business & IP Centre is hosting a jam-packed week of activity to give you the tools you need to get your business idea off the ground.

Extraordinary Ordinary Britain: Guided walking tour of Bloomsbury

CLOSER, in collaboration with London Walks, is pleased to offer this guided walking tour as part of the Economic and Social Research Council’s Festival of Social Science. The walk will highlight the history and findings of the UK's longitudinal studies, stories from the lives of the people involved, and how these remarkable studies have shaped and been shaped by modern British history.

Invitation to UCL Culture launch party

Simon Cane, Director of UCL Culture and Knowledge Quarter Board member will host the UCL Culture launch party on the 10 November 2016 from 18.00 to 21.00. Knowledge Quarter partners are invited to join an evening of celebrations, performances and displays and to find out more about the UCL Culture Manifesto.

Cello Unwrapped by Helen Wallace

A fascinating blog by Helen Wallace, creative consultant at Kings Place Music Foundation, that brings us on a personal and historical discovery of the cello, giving us a hint of the different voices captured in the coming festival "Cello Unwrapped" at Kings Place.

5 Years On: In Conversation by Teleri Lloyd-Jones

On Friday 14 October, various King’s Cross neighbours sat down to a roundtable discussion on the area’s recent and future development to mark 5 years since Central Saint Martins’ relocation.


Knowledge Quarter's partner, The Aga Khan University’s Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations (ISMC) and Graduate School of Media and Communications (GSMC) invite KQ partners to the academic conference entitled, Media in Muslim Contexts: Inventing and Reinventing Identities; bringing together academics and media professionals to discuss the central role of mass media in the contemporary Muslim World.

British Library Labs Symposium 2016

The BL Labs team are pleased to announce that the fourth annual British Library Labs Symposium will be held on Monday 7 November, from 9:30 - 17:30 in the British Library Conference Centre, St Pancras. During the evening the BL Labs Awards (2016) will be announced, celebrating researchers, artists, educators and entrepreneurs from around the world who have made use of the British Library's digital content and data. The event is FREE, although you must book a ticket in advance.

The Francis Crick Institute presents: How Do we Look?

The first exhibition at the new Francis Crick Institute opens to the public on Wednesday 2nd November. On display are a collection of working images, rather than works of art, each created by a scientist to help solve a research problem.

Cultural identities and stereotype threat

The Knowledge Quarter brings scholars, researchers and activists at this year's Bloomsbury festival to discuss the notion of stereotype threat; approaching it from different angles, recognising patterns across disciplines and bringing a fresh look at our multicultural society.