Unlocking Innovation
Presentation | 14:45 – 15:25 | Seminar Room 2
Presentation | 14:45 – 15:25 | Seminar Room 2
Innovation | Sustainability | People | Place
When industry and academia work together, society reaps the rewards by unlocking growth through innovation, yet challenges persist for businesses and universities in finding and connecting with each other. A recent report from National Centre for Universities and Business (NCUB), noted that identifying a collaboration partner was a constraint for almost half of the 4k+ businesses surveyed about their interactions with universities.
In this session, NCUB will showcase its collaboration platform ‘konfer’, a smart-matching tool connecting universities and business, and City, University London will present how the University is using the platform to expand its connections and scale up the collaborative potential of their innovation programme.
SHIVAUN MEEHAN, Stakeholder and Communications Manager (konfer), National Centre for Universities and Business
Shivaun manages konfer’s communications and stakeholder engagement. She has extensive experience as a communications strategist and practitioner in the public, private and third sector, in a variety of industries including technology, logistics, broadcasting and academic publishing.
IAN GIBBS, Head of Academic Enterprise, City, University of London
Ian is Head of Academic Enterprise at City, University of London. His responsibilities include leading the Knowledge Exchange, Technology Transfer and Commercialisation teams at City, ensuring City expertise and know how is brought to the benefit of businesses, the professions and civic and cultural organisations.
Ian has over 20 years’ experience in business-university engagement, and his previous roles include Director of Enterprise, Enterprise Fellow, and Head of Business Development at other UK universities.