Fiona Fox has a degree in journalism and many years of experience in working in media relations for high profile national organisations. Her career includes stints working for the Equal Opportunities Committee, National Council for One Parent Families, and CAFOD (a leading aid agency). Fiona was the founding Director of the Science Media Centre set up in 2002 and has built it into an indispensable resource for science journalists with 3000 of the UK’s top scientists on their media database. Fiona is a regular commentator on science in the media and was the only representative from science invited to give evidence at the Levenson Enquiry into press standards in the UK in 2012. Fiona has won numerous awards for her services to science including an OBE and honorary fellowship of the Academy of Medical Science and British Pharmacology Society. She has also been an outspoken champion for openness in science and won a special award for promoting openness in animal research as well running a successful campaign for changes to the Government purdah rules to ensure government funded scientists are free to speak out during elections.


TitleSeparating Science Fact from Science Fiction
VenueKnowledge Centre Theatre
Time11:30 – 12:30