Booking via Eventbrite, click here.
Join the KQ for this private view and guided tour of ‘Fortitude‘ at the Royal College of Physicians. Places are strictly limited, so book early to avoid disappointment.
‘The pandemic really brought out the good in people, it seemed to illuminate our strengths and fortitude in the face of an ever-evolving virus.’ – RM, clinical microbiology fellow, north-west England
In January 2021 the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) museum created a survey to collect and record the experiences of RCP members and other healthcare professionals working during the COVID-19 pandemic. From trainee doctors and consultants to GPs and physician associates, survey respondents from over 20 medical specialties and professions described how their lives were transformed. With their permission, the RCP is privileged to share their experiences, in their own words.
These stories may be challenging to read and hear. They are honest and speak of suffering, chaos and exhaustion. They are also inspiring, filled with compassion, courage and joy. Some stories may contradict our own understanding of the pandemic, and others caution and urge us to learn from these experiences.
The objects, images, written accounts and recordings in the exhibition were donated to the RCP via the survey, and the quotes are taken directly from donations. Please note: This exhibition contains images, descriptions and audio recordings relating to illness, death, grief and trauma.
‘I hope that the sharing of our experiences can help people to glean some further understanding and show some greater compassion for all those that have toiled, sacrificed and suffered in the last few years … Though it may be difficult and they may want to turn away, I hope they don’t so we can all build a deeper understanding of what so many like me have experienced in the healthcare profession.’ – YT, palliative medicine ST5 (specialty training year 5), London.
The RCP building has a lift at the main entrance and accessible lifts within the building, the exhibition is on the lower ground floor. There are accessible toilets on the lower ground and ground floors. Car parking is available but must be booked in advance.
Guide dogs and hearing dogs are welcome.
For those with noise sensitivity, the exhibition space is in an open space, with other events being held in the building. Whilst the timing of this private view means the building will be a little quieter, there may be background noise that may affect attendees. There are spaces for quiet reflection as part of this exhibition and if you have any questions about finding a quiet space, please direct these to our Events Manager, Jemima.
The RCP’s accessibility pages provide further information about the building, please click here. If you have any further accessibility questions and/or requirements, please get in touch with Jemima Barnes (jemima.barnes@bl.uk).