Steps I Take, Marks I Make - The Primary Careers Conference by Bavaani Nanthabalan
The Primary Careers Conference is in its third year and shares its vision with the borough of Camden: to ensure every child and young person has a chance to succeed and nobody gets left behind. A new original guest blog by Bavaani Nanthabalan from Netley Primary school introducing this year Primary Career Conference.

The anthropologist as an agent of change by Parvathi Raman
Anthropologists certainly can make a contribution to the debate on migration, or more precisely, on the issue of who has the right to move. They have a role to play in challenging the migration myths that circulate and gain traction in the popular imagination.

Putting Soul in the City - towards a manifesto by Graham Henderson
Poet in the City presents an art manifesto on how to use public art to transform the 21st Century urban landscape. Graham Henderson’s essay is a call to use the arts and culture not only to beautify the public realm but also to express our values, provide social identity and cohesion, and provide new opportunities for science and enterprise.

Animation as a New Form of Journalism by Rachel Porter
Scriberia's recent series of animations for near neighbours, long-time collaborators and fellow KQ partners, The Guardian’s #KeepItInTheGround campaign is one example of the effective use of animation to deliver factual content to an online audience.